
Angelica Archangelica

Angelica Archangelica


This herb is said to have acquired this name due to the fact that Archangel Michael once appeared to a monk and revealed to him its medicinal properties and told him it could cure plague.

It is a great tonic in cases of anemia, atony, while it is also thought to act against melancholy.

It is also believed to tackle stomach and intestinal spasms.

It is considered to have expectorant properties, so it is used in bronchitis, pleuritis and colds. It is also used by therapists as a sedative in cases of nervous asthma but also as a cardiotonic.

Finally, it is considered to have healing and diuretic effects.


It is a very good tonic, in case of anemia, atony, while it is also thought to act against melancholy.

In all cases boil one teaspoon of root or seeds for each cup of water. Leave for 7-8 minutes, strain and drink a cup after eating once or twice a day.

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