



The name Belroponna Atropa (Atropa Belladonna) was given by the famous ancient Greek naturalist Dioscorides (Atropa) from the name of one of the three Degrees, Atropos, which cut the thread of life.

Belladonna (bella - donna) in Italian and Spanish means beautiful woman and it is speculated that the name comes from the fact that the women of the aristocracy used the juice of the plant in their water to achieve dilation of the pupil of the eye and a more glossy appearance.

Atropa belladona is extremely poisonous. Its high degree of toxicity is present in all parts of the plant and especially in the seeds, roots and leaves. The plant is used mainly after squeezing (mortar), boiling and juice mixed with alcohol or immersion.


WARNING: Belladonna should not come into direct contact with skin as it is a very hazardous & toxic plant.

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