
Essential Oil - Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia)

Essential Oil - Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia)

It is strong, natural and provides triple disinfectant action! Wanted to fight inflammation and infections before the discovery of antibiotics. Benefits that Tea Tree Oil can have. Heals wounds, scratches, insect bites, spurs, minor skin wounds and irritations. The oil changes the chemical barriers of the skin that make it unsuitable for fungi and other organisms. It fights nail fungus, itching of the lower limbs and 'athlete's foot'. Tea tree oil is effective in combating Trichophyte, a fungus that causes many local infections such as 'athlete's foot' and itching of the legs. Minimizes the duration of vaginal infections. It is effective in treating their causes, Candida albicans infections and vaginal trichomonas (Trichomonas vaginalis). It can control acne. The solution of up to 15% tea tree oil can even cure serious cases of acne, because of its anti-acne properties. Heals dandruff and head lice. Tea tree oil 5% solution is effective in combating fungus Pytirosporum ovale, which causes dandruff. It blocks the warts by killing the virus.