
Delphinium staphisagria

Delphinium staphisagria

It is used to treat lice and fleas with wine and oil. With the seeds of the plant soaked in oil, as an insecticide against fleas, scabies and generally the various parasitic insects. The tincture of the seeds was used against eye diseases, such as tan and iriditis, rubbing the forehead with 2-4 grams at a time. In Crete, the herb is called wild currant or cheerful red. The oil-soaked seeds of the plant made them oily against infertility and psoriasis (infectious wax) of infants and toddlers. Women brushed their hair with it or combed it by wetting their comb in the herb. Seeds are used in medicine in very small doses of only 8-10 grains. They act as vomit. Laxatives and Helminthicides. They are used externally to kill lice but also to fight lice. Exterior tincture of semen acts against eczema with friction and in the same way against certain neuralgia (tongue, facial) and even against dentistry. It is still used against asthma and nerve or allergic dyspnoea but always under medical guidance. The seeds of the plant stun the fish.

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Preparation and dosage For lice and scabies we use 30 grams of seeds in one liter of water which boil for 10 minutes. Washing with this decoction eliminates pests. Precautions The seeds of the plant are poisonous, have an unpleasant odor and taste bitter and strong. If chewing causes a burning sensation in the mouth, followed by an unrelenting saliva secretion. Stomach ingested in sufficient quantity causes local irritation. Dolphin paralyzes the central nervous system, the toxicity of the plant is high and the effects of poisoning from it are similar to those caused by the plant aconite.

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