
Kali Nikokira - Threpsini

Kali Nikokira - Threpsini


The name Threpsin was first associated with a popular food that appeared in Greece in the late 1940s, although as a product category it was legalized in 1932. It was a thick cream, based on concentrated raisin extract, also known as raisin, which introduced to the market an industry based in Piraeus. Those who grew up in the '50s or early' 60s will probably remember its sweet taste on bread, a real luxury in those difficult times.

Threpsin was later lost, although raisin as a confectionery ingredient never ceased to be used, only to return relatively recently as a superfood, after we discovered the powerful antioxidant properties of grape juice. With the same name, but now as grape cream, based on the concentrated grape juice and different composition, adapted to the taste of today's children, aspires to win a place in our daily lives.
