
Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp Seed Oil


Cannabis oil is a very powerful drug with proven medical applications in the treatment of cancer, and many other diseases.


1. Glaucoma (intraocular hypertension)

2. Side effects of chemotherapy (Nausea and vomiting)

3. Asthma

4. Epilepsy and convulsions

5. Depression, anxiety, anorexia

6. Algae of various etiologies

7. Malignant neoplasms

8. Addiction to opiates and alcohol.

Cannabis has four major benefits that make it therapeutically unique:

1. It is the most non-toxic of the available drugs.

2. It has a wide range of therapeutic applications.

3. It works through mechanisms that differ from those of other drugs.

4. Can be combined effectively and safely with any drug.


It is a high quality protein source and contains all 20 known amino acids. Finally it contains Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, E and exceeds the fat content of every other plant in the world.

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