



In modern herbal medicine, Guarana is used by therapists mainly for the treatment of headaches and migraines, as well as for the treatment of nervous exhaustion and depression. The active ingredient guaranine in the herb is similar to caffeine, except that its content (up to 7%) is greater than that of coffee (up to 2%). Guaranine, in combination with two other alkaloids contained in Guarana (theobromine and theophylline), results in stimulation and rejuvenation of the nervous system. For this reason, Guarana is considered to help in the treatment of headaches and depression caused due to nerve exhaustion. The characteristic of guaranine is that it is absorbed by the body at much lower rates than caffeine, resulting in the "energy" it offers lasting much longer than that of coffee.

Today, Guarana is included in many formulations that improve athletic performance as well as formulations that treat problems regarding erectile dysfunction. Also, due to its diuretic action, it has become an essential ingredient in many dietary vegetable products.

Above all, Guarana contains tannins, saponins and xanthines.


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