
Tincture - Gui

Tincture - Gui


It is used in herbal medicine to treat headaches, migraine headaches and various crises (nerves, hysteria), dyspnoea, blurred eyes, asthma, as a soothing treat for nerve tachycardia, to tackle hypertension and arteriosclerosis, to treat circulatory and respiratory problems, as well as tumors, even malignent ones, as it appears to kill cancer cells and strengthen the immune system.

The sprigs, leaves and fruits of the gui are used to produce an extract that the patient can receive orally.


Tinctures retain all the active ingredients of the herb, they are very simple to obtain and completely natural.

They are definitely superior to food supplements as they contain no chemicals or preservatives and are much more effectively absorbed by the body.

It should be taken in small quantities due to its toxicity.

It should not be taken with antibiotics.

Always consult a specialist for quantity and use.

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