
Tincture - Mallow (Malvas silvestris)

Tincture - Mallow (Malvas silvestris)


In traditional medicine the use of mallow could be used as an edible and as a medicinal plant. In ancient Greece it was highly valued (reported by Pythagoras Plato). The Athenian in Deipnosofistai writes that it is considered "arterial abrasive" probably because it was used as a prophylactic drug against atherosclerosis.

In recent folk medicine, mallow leaves are rubbed into a sore spot from the touch of a nettle. As the saying goes, "the rash subsides". The decoction of its flowers (molochanthia) is considered emollient, expectorant, intestinal motility. The foot bath in a decoction of molochanthi relieves fatigue. Mallow leaf poultice relieves eczema and pain from insect bites.

Mallow tincture is considered effective in cases of stomach disorders accompanied by constipation. Mallow is considered to have a mild laxative effect, detoxifies, helps with allergic cough and soothes the gastrointestinal tract.


Tinctures retain all the active ingredients of the herb, they are very simple to obtain and completely natural.

They are definitely superior to food supplements as they contain no chemicals or preservatives and are much more effectively absorbed by the body.

It should not be taken with antibiotics. Always consult a specialist for quantity and use.

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