



Lavender tincture (Lavandula Angustifolia) contains the same active ingredients as dried lavender. In modern herbal medicine, dried lavender flowers are mainly used to reduce stress and hypertension. Lavender is generally considered to have sedative properties and can therefore be used in cases of melancholy and mild depression. Its extract is considered by many herbalists to be suitable for the treatment of nerve headaches and insomnia. A simple lavender extract, when used in compresses and placed on the forehead, is thought to help relieve migraines, hypertension, fatigue and the effect of binge drinking (hangover). It is also believed by some researchers to be hypotensive - a cup of lavender before bed is said to "drop" the pressure and reduce the tachycardia during the night.
It is claimed that lavender has strong antimicrobial activity and is therefore considered to be ideal for healing small wounds, cuts and so on, while at the same time being suitable for "cleansing" the skin in cases of acne, eczema and skin diseases. It is traditionally used against chest infections such as cough, asthma and bronchitis and in cases of colds or flu - in the form of inhalations.
Its antibacterial and antiseptic action is believed to give it anthelmintic properties - that is, it can be used to fight pests in the intestines. Lavender essential oil, when used in massage, relaxes muscles and relieves nerve pain and rheumatism.
Lavender is generally considered one of the 20 most important medicinal herbs.


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